Correlation Between Leader-Subordinate Value Matching and Workplace Well-Being from the Perspective of Sports Enterprise Innovative Development


  • Hongmei Jin Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies, Seoul 03767, The Republic of Korea
  • Yu Pang School of Management, Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang 050031, China


sports enterprise innovative development; leader-subordinate value matching (LSVM); workplace well-being (WWB)


In an organization, the attitudes and behaviors of leaders and subordinates are shaped by their interactions under various circumstances. Examining the impact of leader-subordinate value matching (LSVM) on subordinates' workplace happiness is of immense academic and practical importance (WWB). There are currently few reports on the link between LSVM and subordinate WWB. Therefore, this research examines the relationship between LSVM and WWB from the standpoint of creative sports enterprise development. In particular, the authors conducted a lag test on the relationship between the two factors, assessed the influence of LSVM on subordinates' WWB, and analyzed the coordination between the two components. Grey relational analysis (GRA) and multiple logistic regression were used to determine the correlation between the two variables (MLR). Experiments were conducted to determine the association between dependent and control variables. The samples were gathered from several businesses in the province of Hebei in northern China. LSVM and the improvement of subordinates' WWB in an enterprise are of similar importance; LSVM supports the advancement of subordinates' WWB; Strong leader support amplifies the favorable effect of LSVM on subordinates' WWB in comparison to weak leader support. To improve subordinates' WWB, businesses should increase leader support for LSVM.




How to Cite

Hongmei Jin, & Yu Pang. (2023). Correlation Between Leader-Subordinate Value Matching and Workplace Well-Being from the Perspective of Sports Enterprise Innovative Development. Revista De Psicología Del Deporte (Journal of Sport Psychology), 31(4), 206–214. Retrieved from