Modeling the correlation between children's language and thinking from a psychological perspective


  • Xiyu Dai Faculty of Education, East China Normal University,Shanghai,200062,China


Children's language and thinking (CLAT), Psychological Perspective (PP), Social Perspective (SP), Developmental psychological Perspective (DPP), Biology Perspective (BP)


This research study describes a modeling analysis of the correlation between children's language and thinking from the psychological perspective. This research study used specific questions related to the variables based on the primary data analysis for gathering the data. The data collected from almost 100 plus participants included children of school and colleges. The data collected from specific questions for measuring the data used IBM SPSS software to generate different informative numerical results that present the modeling correlation between dependent and independent variables. The children's language and thinking are the independent variables, and psychological perspective includes biological perspective, social perspective, developmental psychological perspective, and mental & health psychological perspective. These are all considered dependent variables. The descriptive statistical analysis, correlation coefficient, regression analysis, one-way ANOVA test analysis, variance ratio analysis, factor analysis, and principal components analysis between one variable and another variable. According to the comprehensive research study, the result found that children's language and thinking show a positive and significant correlation. The social perspective also shows a significant effect on children's language and thinking the mental health also plays an essential role in children's language.




How to Cite

Xiyu Dai. (2023). Modeling the correlation between children’s language and thinking from a psychological perspective. Revista De Psicología Del Deporte (Journal of Sport Psychology), 32(2), 186–195. Retrieved from