Technical Analysis and Development of Single Bamboo Floating from the Perspective of Education and Psychology
Influence of Complex E-commerce Network Setting on National Sports in China
Sports is promoted in China through e-commerce applications in all age groups, particularly among the retied and people with disability. E-commerce thus plays the educational role in developing awareness about sports. Physical fitness is also promoted through such e-commerce activities and makes a significant educational effect on the whole society. Physical health programs have become an integral part of public awareness education making them a common habit. However, China still lacks relevant theoretical research, especially in e-commerce systems based on complex networks. This paper analyzed e-commerce network settings and complex system frameworks based on the complexity networks. In the light of these analyses, national sports' status quo was summarized, and the significance of developing national sports was emphasized. The study used literature survey, comparative research, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, and logic analysis methods, and used several types of classifications of the sample of the study, namely the retired workers, the disabled, and the underdeveloped regions in Northwest China. According to statistics, the results show that the establishment of e-commerce outlets based on complex networks had a positive effect on retired employees as it increased their awareness and participation in sports. E-commerce, in spite of all its complexities, has thus provided a convenient online fitness platform for retired employees, disabled people, and people in the backward regions. Simultaneously, various e-commerce websites and mobile Apps have has also played an active role to promote sports activities among these sections of society. The study concluded that an e-commerce network setting based on complex networks could promote sports in China and ultimately affect people's health and fitness.
María Dolores Molina Poveda, Eduardo Galak
The advent of cinema brought with it its use as a propaganda device with which to transmit ideals and doctrines. As a result, newsreels and cinema documentaries were born with the aim of showing the «most relevant» news of the country and abroad, the former with a shorter duration. In this study, the Spanish NO-DO and «Sucesos Argentinos» are used as primary sources to interpret the images and imaginaries that were projected between 1943 and 1955 on female physical culture. The intention is to understand the official discourse of both political regimes on what Argentinean and Spanish society should be like, especially by questioning those meanings about women. In total, 69 issues of NO-DO and 14 editions of «Sucesos Argentinos» have been found which aim to show female physical culture in this period. The female physical culture shown in both newsreels was aimed at strengthening women’s bodies so that they could carry out their «natural functions» (mother, wife, housewife), as well as highlighting their «inferiority» in relation to men through lower impact activities and the homogenization of bodies through clothing, and the performance of the same exercises in synchrony. And all this in countries with different regimes, but which, in the end, coincided.
female physical culture, NO-DO, Sucesos Argentinos, propaganda, audio-visual images